Plants, animals and fungi species protection
Species protection aims at enabling the survival and the favourable conservation status of wild animals, plants and fungi species and their habitats and refuges as well as preserving the species and genetic diversity. The wildlife under this protection can be found within the borders of Poland and other EU member states and belongs to the group of species which are endemic, vulnerable, endangered and protected under current regulations set out by international agreements signed by the Republic of Poland. In order to protect plants or fungi sites and refuges protected under species protection or animals refuges, breeding grounds and regular habitats under the species protection it is possible to establish protection zones.
Protected species
Current lists of protected species, as well as the prohibitions in force in relation to those species are determined by the following regulations:
- the Ordinance of the Minister of the Environment dated October 9, 2014, on species-specific protection of animals
- the Ordinance of the Minister of the Environment dated October 9, 2014, on species-specific protection of plants
- the Ordinance of the Minister of the Environment dated October 9, 2014, on the species-specific protection of fungi
Endangered species protection programmes
The General Director of Environmental Protection develops programmes aimed at protecting endangered species of plants, animals and fungi (in accordance with art. 57 of the Nature Conservation Act). They provide an in-depth analysis of the state of population of a given species, identify risks, and also contain an assessment of the existing means of protection. (More information on species protection programmes)
Application forms for the authorisation of the General Director for Environmental Protection on derogation from prohibitions concerning protected species
- Request for authorisation of derogation from prohibitions concerning protected species of fungi
- Request for authorisation of derogation from prohibitions concerning protected species of plants
- Request for authorisation of derogation from prohibitions concerning protected species of animals
Form to report cases of catching, killing or finding a dead or wounded animals belonging to protected species
Guidelines for the protection of species
- Information on the application of provisions on species-specific protection of plants, animals and fungi in the framework of implementing projects co-financed by the European Union
- Opinion of the General Director for Environmental Protection on proper method and time of inventarisation of hermit beetle in roadside alleys
- The European Commission's guidelines on strict protection for animal species of Community interest under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EWG (Polish version)
Studies commisioned by the GDOŚ for species-specific protection:
- Update of the list of protected fungi covered by species-specific protection and guidelines for their protection
ANNEX: Analysis of the fulfilment of the criteria of eligibility of individual species of fungi - Update of the list of protected fungi covered by species-specific protection and guidelines for their protection
ANNEX: Analysis of the fulfillment of the eligibility criteria for the protection of individual species of animals - Update the list of plant species under species preservation and guidance for their protection
ANNEX: Analysis of the fulfillment of the eligibility criteria for the protection of the individual plant species
Studies commissioned by GDOŚ within the framework of the Berne Convention:
- The impact of overhead medium and high voltage power grid, including railway catenary wires, on birds
- Assessment of the impact of climate change on biodiversity and the resulting guidelines for nature conservation administration activities until 2030
Documents of the Bern Convention adopted by the Parties to the Convention (Polish version):
- Bird protection against power lines - a practical guide
- European action plan for the protection of the European hamster
- European Charter for Hunting and Biodiversity
- Guidelines for the plans of managing populations of large carnivores
- The impact of climate change on species of flora in Europe
- The impact of climate change on invertebrate species in Europe, with reference to the species at risk, as defined by the Berne Convention